Monday, February 23, 2009

Most. Boring. Oscars. Ever.

Oh. My. God. That's 3 1/2 hours I'll never get back. 

My plan was to blog about the Oscars before going to bed. But it's after midnight and I just dragged myself off of the couch having nodded off at least 15 times throughout the evening.

I'll attempt to blog in the morning. That is, if I remember any details of the most boring night of television....

Off to get some much earned sleep. 


Unknown said...

I think you'll feel better about it in the morning. I only watched a little but I loved Hugh Jackman's opener and I loved Steve Martin and Tina Fey. And I thought most people looked great, with the exception of the Star Chamber Ladies of the Best Supporting Actress who presented the adorable Penelope Cruz with her award, and Mickey Rourke and his Loki locket, and I was afraid the whole time that Sarah Jessica would pop out of her top. They still could have tightened the whole thing up by an hour, but they never do...

Anonymous said...

I loved Hugh Jackman!!! Think he is so handsome.

I agree that SJP was going to pop out of her dress. A size larger would have helped out.

Miley Cyrus' dress looked like it belonged on Helen Mirran.

I HATE Ben Stiler but found in funny how he mocked Joaquin.

I also HATE Sean Penn but found his opening line of his acceptance speech very funny!!! "I know I make it very hard to appreciate me sometimes...." Very true, Sean, very true.

I feel that the Oscars used Jennifer Aniston, just to bring more attention to Brangelina. Boo!

I also didn't know that Anne Hathaway could her.

The number with Beyonce and the high school musical stars could have been skipped.

Impressed that Kate didn't mention Leo once in the acceptance speech.